Happily Married Couple Celebrate Their Big Day

Happily Married Couple Celebrate Their Big Day

No one is you- that’s your SUPER POWER - Margaret Thatcher

Welcome to the world of wedding stress. Well it does not need to be. This blog focuses on your wedding, your way.

 We are lucky and not so lucky that in today’s digital age there are literally loads of inspiration and unfortunately sometimes expectation to do it a ‘certain way’. Elope, don’t elope, invite Aunty Jenny, have a seating plan, do an unplugged wedding, formal weddings, back yard weddings, invite list aaahhh….there is SO much to think of.

 Whether it is your Mum, mother in law or even bridesmaid telling you what to do, wear, provide etc, it’s time to smile and breathe and say “This is my day!” And that my friends, is perfectly ok.

With so many opinions, the trick is narrowing it down to what/who is important to you and your partner on the day.

The first person you need to think about is you and your beautiful partner. Why are you marrying them? And what are your non negotiables on the day?

 With so much amazing content out there, the trick is narrowing it down to reliable, relevant and on-trend resources that align with you and your partners wedding vision. Your celebrant has seen LOADS of weddings. Their advice and helpful tips to assist with the planning process will hopefully make you feel more at ease and getting excited for the day ahead.

You will feel overwhelmed, you will feel stressed, it’s perfectly normal. We got you.
My hubby and I decided on an awesome celebrant, band producing awesome music, yummy food and cold booze. Nothing else mattered. If we had all of that, we would create a magic day. And that it was.

It’s your wedding, please do it your way!

WeddingKate O'Keeffe